Friday 12 July 2013

Gok's Stripping For Summer Live

Hey Miss Fabulous Diva’s,
I’m sure that we are all thankful that Gok Live: Stripping For Summer has arrived. The Nation loves our ‘GodFather Of Fashion’ Gok Wan, and this show is the Ultimate Summer Guide. His leading lady Katie Piper shares with us beauty secrets with amazing Beauty tips on how to achieve the perfect tan, body enhancing tricks like how to get a peaky bottom and how to de-frizz hair.

Every Week Gok and his Style Squad give a lucky Lady a Summer Make Over to feel Body Beautiful
Inspiring them to ditch their bad habits and bring out the Goddess within.  

For those that unfortunately missed the show, watch it here using the following link! 

Ladies if you would like to take part in the show, and be a swimwear model go to the website and apply,  all body shapes are welcomed.

Gok Live: Stripping for Summer will be on Channel 4 next Tuesday at 8pm. Follow Gok on Twitter @Gok Live and for all items featured in the show go to Instagram.

Love VJL Stylists

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