Friday 28 February 2014

Kimora Lee Simmons - Inspirational Reading

                  Life in the Fab Lane!

I love Kimora Lee Simmons (KLS); she is such as inspiration to so many women. I miss watching her show Life in The Lane, which unfortunately no longer is shown regularly on The Style Network on Sky channel 253. Well thank to Kimora’s book ‘What it is and How to get it’ her inspirational words of wisdom are like my business women journal that I like to refer to as a book of good reference.
This step by step guideline for achieving your own ‘Fabulousity’ is a great way to embrace your aspirations. Like Kimora says don’t be the part of the furniture be the Life and Soul of the Party. I can relate to the tip of keeping a journal, as I think that this is a good exercise for everyone. Having a place where you can express yourself, thought and feelings. Use this tool to write down your biggest ambitions, your goals and feelings.

The motivation talk that Kimora expresses in the book is a good way to inspire you to identify how to get to the Top and why you should never let anyone stand in your way.  Kimora talks about important factors like women we need to be confident, if you’re not ‘fake it until you make it’.

Like KLS states we are all fabulous and we should never let anyone tell us any different!

Stay Fabulous

Love VJL Stylist

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