Friday 7 February 2014

Miss Coco Chanel


It's Fabulous Friday & I sure am feeling Fabulous!

Like Coco Chanel states a lady should be two things "Fabulous & Classy"

My theme this week is dedicated to the iconic Fashion House Chanel!

A growing trend is "Afternoon Tea" why not create your own Couture Tea Party by throwing a High End Chanel inspired party with your girlfriends.

Below are some images sourced online that express this theme.

Create your own invitations

Get all your guests to adhere to your colour theme, for example White and Black for Chanel.
Sourced from CCEL

Set your table in your theme and style accordingly
Sourced from Hostest With The Mostest
Don't forget the Table settings & Name Tags from Esty

Finally Lets Eat Cake
sourced by Cupcake yourself

And lets not forget the guests goodie bags....

#Too Cute

Love VJL Stylists

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