Friday 14 February 2014

London Fashion Week

London Fabulous Week is among us & has kicked off with Natalie Massent, Chairman of British Fashion  Council opened the show with national statics stating that the fashion industry to the UK economy is worth £26 Billion, showing an increase of 22% from 2009.

The Mayor of London has reportedly said "these latest figures are clear evidence of the hugely important contribution that fashion makes to the economy "

London Fashion Week will consist of 77 designers presenting Catwalk shows or Designer Show Rooms over the next 5 day, this event is sponsored by Vodafone for the fifth season .Top Designers
include Mulberry, Nicole Farhi , Jonathan Saunders, and many more.

Tomorrow I will be working backstage behind the scenes at London Fashion Week at The Grand  Connaught Rooms. I will be documenting my experience via my blog and tweeter @VStylits

Stay Fabulous

Love VJL stylists  

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